“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
– Thomas Edison
Personalized Nutrition
free consult.
Let’s have a conversation! Tell me your concerns and hiccups in your health journey and I will explain my approach to personalized nutrition.
get started.
If you already decided this is for you! Book your initial visit which will include a 60 min one-on-one with me and a personalized nutrition plan just for you.
ongoing support.
These check-ins can be customized to balance accountability and affordability. No hidden subscription or membership fees.
Improving your relationship with food and integrating a movement, stress, hydration, and sleep supportive plan.
Are you overwhelmed by all the information spiraling around healthy eating? Or are you looking to expand food diversity?
How much and what kind of exercise is right for you? Do you need modifications for aging or ailments?
Do you feel hydrated? Are you drinking the right amount of water for you and your daily activities?
How are you coping with your day to day? Are you carving out some downtime to refresh your nervous system?
How is the quality of your sleep? Do you feel rested upon waking? How much is enough?